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DAILY DEVOTION: "The Greatest Gift"

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February 12, 2023

All Day

Category: Daily Devotions

Day 43: The Greatest Gift

Scripture (1 Corinthians 10:31): Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.               

Author: Darlene Adkins

We all will go through trials and tribulations, and it is our choice how we handle them. You can choose to be angry with God or humble yourself in prayer. You see, it was through a trying time in my life that I accepted Christ Jesus as my Lord and Savior, and my life was changed forever. Do I still go through trials and tribulations? Yes, I do, but with the peace and love in my heart for Jesus and with prayer, that is what gets me through. After becoming a Christian, I would sometimes wonder if he was listening to my prayers, rest assured He was and He definitely got my attention. I always believed in Jesus, but I didn’t have that relationship with him, therefore I had no peace. Scripture (Matthew 11:28): Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Peace means a right relationship with God and the joy of Salvation to know if you and I should die, heaven would be our home, hallelujah! What more can we ask for? After all, he gave his life on the cross for you and I! God wants to hear from us, through prayer and supplication and not only through hard times but good times too. Sometimes we don’t get our prayers answered the way we want, but everything is for God’s glory. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer”. I encourage all to spend time in prayer on a daily basis and give him praises always and thank him always for the greatest gift of all, SALVATION!