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February 3, 2023

All Day

Category: Daily Devotions

Day 34: Step Out

Scripture: (Matthew 28:19-20) “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Author: Susanna Bowden

                 When I hear the term missionary, my mind goes straight to someone who is in a 3rd world country walking on eggshells trying to bring the gospel to people who speak a different language. While this is an example of a missionary, it’s not what all missionaries look like. Being a missionary is to let your light shine, let others see a difference in you, and let your love be proof of our loving God. May your faith in God make others question their disbelief. This is what being a missionary looks like.

We should never treat the Great Commission as the great suggestion. I think we are all guilty of this. We see opportunities to share the gospel, but we let fear get the best of us, and we turn and walk away. We shouldn’t stay in the boat when God is calling us to walk on water. He will guide our footsteps if we are just willing to move our feet. If we wait until you’re “ready” to follow out this command, we will be waiting our entire life. Don’t worry about not being good enough or knowledgeable enough. God doesn’t call the equipped; He equips those whom He has called.

I challenge you to pray today and ask God to reveal to you one person who needs Christ. Ask Him to use you to the benefit of others. If you are willing, God is waiting. It takes a lot of work, and you will be placed in some very uncomfortable situations, but it is worth it. Step out of the boat, out of your comfort zone. We are on a mission to serve, let’s waste no time.