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DAILY DEVOTION: "His Compassion Doesn't Fail"

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January 3, 2023

All Day

Category: Daily Devotions

Day 3: His Compassion Doesn’t Fail

Scripture: (Lamentations 3: 22-23): Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,  Because His compassions fail not.  They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.                                                   

Author: Jack Ellison

Waking early morning in the darkness of winter can be a daunting endeavor. The wear on a body from many seasons of life brings with it physical challenges—vision blurred, hearing dampened, and legs not as steady as in younger years. The body aches and it creaks. And heavy thoughts begin to creep into the mind, “Am I able? Can I do this again today? It’s so cold. I’m not strong. And the day will be long. I feel so old and alone. This day could break me.”

A guiding Holy Spirit whispers reassuringly, “You are His. You are strong. He yet has work for you to do.” We are reminded in Lamentations 3 that it is the Lord’s mercy that sustains us and gives us life. He is a faithful, loving God who created us for His purposes. And even when we feel weak, weary, and forlorn, He supplies our every need to accomplish those purposes.

As we obediently pray to the Father early each day and make His word our refuge, He is mightily able and willing to empower the mind and body for whatever challenges lie ahead. Our minds are renewed with His promises. His word is life-giving. He fills us with His love.

Our Lord Jesus teaches us that when we abide in Him—when we seek Him through steadfast prayer and meditation on His word, when we learn to rest in His promises—then He will live through us to accomplish His will. And in it, we will experience His victory and our hearts will be quickened. All praise be to God for such mercy and love shown toward us!

In what manner do you praise God and seek Him each morning?

In what specific ways has He shown himself faithful to you?

Heavenly Father, thank You for giving me Your strength in the midst of my weakness.  Scriptural reading: John 15: 1-11