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January 7, 2023

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Category: Daily Devotions

Day 7: The Gift

Scripture: (John 1:12) But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God

Author Phillip Steele

I can look back in my memories and think of some of the best Christmas gifts I received as a kid.  I can smell the leather on the first football I got.  Feel the laces.  It was a Spalding.  I remember that metallic smell from the silver play rifle I got.  Matching pistols with holsters came with it.  

All those gifts are gone where moth and rust destroy.  I’m not a Christmas Grinch who is against gift giving, but I will say none of those gifts added a minute to my life.  Gifts can symbolize Christmas, be a metaphor for Christmas, show our love for each other, etc.  But they aren’t Christmas.  Let’s zero in on The Christmas Gift – Christ.

So many verses speak of the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.  Romans 6:23, Ephesians 2:8 and Romans 5:15 are some of the most direct.  I am reminded. He is not a symbol.  He is not a messenger.  He is the Truth.  He is the Message.   But there is some similarity to my football and rifle presents. A gift is offered, but it must be accepted.  You can bet I ripped open the packaging on those gifts.   

God offers us the most amazing gift of all: the gift of eternal life. And the only way you can become a child of God is by accepting the gift of eternal life. The Bible says, “But to all who believed Him and accepted Him, he gave the right to become children of God” (John 1:12).

This gift that God offers is better than any gifts your childhood memories can recall. It’s the gift of eternal life, the gift of forgiveness of sin. It’s the gift of finding the meaning and purpose of your life, the gift of a relationship with God.

Christmas is really not about gifts under a tree; it’s about a relationship with God. Jesus came to give us life in all its fullness.  It’s the only gift that keeps on giving.  All you have to do is receive it.