Evangelist Dave Kistler

October 27, 2024 to October 30, 2024
- October 27, 2024:
- October 28, 2024:
- October 29, 2024:
- October 30, 2024:
On Sunday, October 27th in both morning services and again on Sunday night through Wednesday night (Oct. 30th), our church will be hosting Evangelist Dave Kistler.
Dave is President of Hope Ministries International and Chairman of Hope to The Hill, an ongoing ministry to elected officials in the nation’s capital.
Evangelist Dave Kistler was born into a pastor's home and came to Christ at the age of 5. During his teenage years, he began preparing for a legal profession. However, at the age of 16, he sensed the overwhelming call of God to preach the gospel. Following his college and seminary training (during which he obtained an undergraduate degree in Bible and Graduate degrees in Pastoral Studies and Divinity-including Biblical Languages), Dave joined the staff of a large church in Florida, leading a youth group of 125 teens. After two years in youth ministry, he yielded to full-time evangelistic ministry.
For over 30 years, Dave, his wife Betsy and children (Rachael, Nathan and Hannah) have traveled the world proclaiming the gospel and the word of God. Included in his ministry is an evangelistic outreach to major cities via a 2000 seat tent. Since 2001, Dave has conducted three crusades in Washington, DC, and two in the Pentagon. As a result of those evangelistic endeavors, he has started an ongoing ministry to elected officials in the nation's capital called "HOPE To The Hill." Evangelist Kistler's ministry (HOPE Ministries International) has ministered in England, France, Belgium, Scotland, Wales, Canada, Mexico, the West Indies and Africa, as well as in almost every state in the nation!